Contact Us
Our Office
Retail Store:
104 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
United States
Store Phone: 860-993-3935
Email: samanthagaledesigns@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
104 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
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316 Main St
Great Barrington, MA, 01230
United States
A unique vintage farmhouse inspired array of home decor items ranging from beautiful large pillows to totes custom drapery and furniture and vintage art and photography. Samantha Gale Designs is a one of a kind store where you can buy one if a kind accent items for your home made of the finest natural materials and with relaxed living in mind. Samantha Gale Designs can design, decorate and remodel your home or business, call for an appointment to begin living in your dream home today!
Retail Store:
104 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
United States
Store Phone: 860-993-3935
Email: samanthagaledesigns@gmail.com
Mailing Address:
104 Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790